Welcome to Celadon, the new learning app that's trying to make learning times tables a little easier and a little more enjoyable.
Celadon uses machine learning to make a personalised learning experience for each individual user. As you learn, Celadon learns too. It learns what you know, what you don't know so well and what you've never seen before. It learns how quickly you pick things up and when you need to see a piece of information again. It uses all this information to create a personalised experience for each user.
Celadon also uses a bunch of psychological principles about how memory works to make learning more efficient. We'll be doing a post about some of these theories later on so keep an eye out for that!
At the moment, Celadon is really new. Our software engineer, Christian, is still only able to work on the product in the spare moments he gets outside of his main job, so development can be a little slow at times but we're really hoping this will all change soon! We have big dreams for the future and are really passionate about working with teachers and parents to make the best product for students. If you have any feedback or ideas please don't hesitate to get in touch at hello@celadon.ai
Speaking of Christian, we should probably quickly mention who we are! Celadon has two founders, husband and wife duo Christian and Sophie (hi, I'm the one writing this post). I look after the business side of things and all our social media. Christian looks after Celadon itself, he's the one who takes all our crazy ideas and makes them a reality!
For a little bit of background, Christian is a Kiwi and I'm British but we both grew up in New Zealand. We came to the UK to study in 2015 (Christian at Cambridge and me at UCL) and we currently live in a little top floor flat in an old townhouse in London. We have 7 nieces and nephews back in NZ who we miss a ridiculous amount and who inspire us everyday. And finally, Celadon is pretty much the perfect combination of our passions and skills and we are so beyond excited to make it everything young learners need and deserve!
Thanks for stopping by and reading.