Polymath gets students excited to practice maths in the classroom! How? It’s adaptive, giving each student the questions they need to focus on, and it’s fun without being distracting!
Polymath was made in collaboration with teachers and is designed to work for your classroom. Play together, independently, at the beginning of class or at the end.
- Claire Cheeseman, Laingholm Primary School, teaches years 5 & 6
Probably the best website find this year. We are a year 3/4 class and they LOVE chasing records - trying to beat their accuracy and correct answers. As a teacher I love that I can set an option for my class to work independently.
- Claire Cheeseman, Laingholm Primary School, teaches years 5 & 6
- Heather Collins, Alfriston School, teaches years 7 & 8
Polymath has opened a new dimension of numeracy for my students. The engagement and buy-in from my students has enhanced the whole maths programme in my classroom. As a teacher, the data provided allows me to track, tailor, and guide students specifically with their needs.
- Heather Collins, Alfriston School, teaches years 7 & 8
Hey! I’m Pol, your guide to everything Polymath and your students’ new maths mate! Here’s what makes Polymath a little different…
Polymath’s adaptive algorithm means each student gets the questions they need to practice to grow. Whether ahead or behind, they’ll be able to learn at their own pace while still taking part in the class.
Collaborating with the whole class or working independently means students are focused on their own growth or the improvement of the whole team, making Polymath a positive learning environment!
Polymath is built by teachers, for teachers. From quick onboarding to setting ability levels, sharing devices, and adding co-teachers, every feature is teacher-approved. Our community constantly enhances the app with their feedback!
Invite your students to the game using your classroom access code or scanning the QR code.
Try to answer as many questions as possible as a class!
+ keep it going by inviting students to practice on their own at home!
With your class code, students can play on their own devices and you’ll see updates on their progress in Relate – your teacher dashboard.
Polymath is a collaborative maths game with personalised questions for each student.
In a collaborative game, students connect to your classroom from their devices with a unique code. Once a game has started, the classroom has a fixed amount of time to answer as many questions as possible.
Polymath can also be played in independent mode. Students can run around their own island, using up “brain power” as they interact with characters and build structures. Once they run out of brain power, they can answer maths questions personalised to their individual ability to fill it back up and keep playing!
It’s always tricky to provide an age range because kids learn at different rates but our curriculum currently caters to elementary/primary school.
There are a couple of prerequisites for your students to properly enjoy the app (e.g. they need to be able to count to 100). Otherwise, any primary school student or student who needs to work on their foundations of maths can use it!
Polymath in the classroom is completely free!
You can sign up for Polymath at relate.polymath.how and onboard your classroom right away.
This is the website that children go to in class to access Polymath. We made it super short so that it's easy to type in.
Pretty much everything! Devices from Chromebooks to iPads can load up 321.plus and start practicing maths.
Yes, as a teacher you can turn on independent play. This allows students to practice on their own. You’ll still be able to see their practice in the teacher app, Relate.
Yes! You can send a unique code home with each student so they can practice at home. All the data is synced, so you’ll be able to see their practices as teachers.
Our algorithm responds by looking at what questions each student got correct and incorrect, as well as other signals like how long the student took to answer. Based on this, your students will start seeing harder or easier questions. The algorithm in Polymath knows what topics depend on each-other, so for example a student struggling with skip counting won’t see multiplication questions until they’re ready.
We let you choose a starting point, mapped to the curriculum, for each student to let our algorithm know what kinds of questions to begin with.
When students are connecting, they can pick multiple names for a single device. When the game starts, each student is prompted when it is their turn to answer a few questions.
Our teacher app, Relate.
You can see everything from what questions your student gets stuck on, to how frequently they're playing, to what they're really good at, to their weekly progress.
We listen! We want your feedback. If you have some, please get in touch with us either at hello@polymath.how or on our social media at the bottom of this page.
We really enjoyed playing Polymath today! The kids are really excited to have a new maths game to play and compete with.
We loved the game. I have differentiated for my kids abilities and that worked beautifully.
My children love to play this, they’re always excited to see what new bloobs are on the island and building their house, they don’t even realise they are practicing math while they do it! They excitedly tell me how much brain power they have to then use on the island’s features. The 3 year old is jealous he can’t play and can’t wait to start school so he can join in.
The class made us play 3 times as they loved it!
I introduced Polymath to three different classes this week. All the children really enjoyed the games and were impressed that it would give them questions to suit their learning.
It was great. There was a lot of talk about what they found easy and challenging. I really liked the multi level choice of easy or hard.
I did ‘harder’ last time but it was way too hard so this time I’ll do ‘easier’ but I’ll do so many more
The students really enjoyed it. It's good how each question is matched to their ability.
I like that it tells you the answer after you get it wrong
The kids loved it, it was so easy to set up too.
I have really embraced Polymath since hearing about it last week. We have been using it everyday as a warm up for our multiplication lessons.
The kids absolutely love Polymath. Great job making it engaging for the kids and an easy sell for teachers.
WOW! What an awesome game!!! The kids loved it and you'll see that they played 3 full games in total. They really enjoyed it. We loved it and they want to play it again tomorrow! :)
Our kids absolutely love this app. They love the building and the problems! Best math app by far!
We loved it! Favourite thing for the learners was keeping the accuracy up and answering more questions than the previous round (goal oriented!!!) Thanks for creating it!
What do you like about Polymath? Everything.
It was pretty cool.
We really enjoyed playing Polymath today! The kids are really excited to have a new maths game to play and compete with.
The game was awesome, we spent a Friday afternoon playing it!! - Maths on a Friday afternoon - unheard of!
We really enjoyed playing Polymath today! The kids are really excited to have a new maths game to play and compete with.
I have outsmarted the game! I just need to buy a build kit, finish it, and then demolish it to get all these free blocks.
Polymath was great! My tamariki loved it and it was easy for them to use
Check out our Polymath merch! We’ve got a whole range of tees, hoodies and hats!
About Polymath